5 Reasons for male sexual orgasm problems

Men suffer from sexual orgasm problems due to various reasons ranging from physical to psychological issues. However, scientific research suggests that there are five main and common causes, which can lead to male orgasm or ejaculation problems.

1.    Chronic Health Conditions

In men, this is one of the most common physical reasons for most of the sexual orgasm problems. Chronic health disorders like diabetes, urinary tract or prostrate infection, certain neurological diseases and birth defects can seriously affect various organs of male reproductive systems and result in male sexual dysfunctions.


2.    Surgeries and Injuries

Various types of surgeries and injuries can also lead to male sexual disorders and it falls under the category of physical cause. For example, spinal cord injuries, a stroke or injuries that damage the pelvic nerve controlling the process of orgasm can also result in male orgasm problems. Moreover, surgeries like prostate removal surgeries or heart surgeries can also cause male orgasm problems. However, with proper medication, treatments or exercises the damages or side-effects caused by such injuries and surgeries can be treated successfully and allow a man to continue a healthy sexual life.

3.    Mental Health Concerns

Psychological issues can also affect the sexual health in men. It can lead to problems like delayed ejaculation or inability to have an orgasm. It is a well-known fact that any kind of psychological problems can result in depression, stress, anxiety and fatigue and these four factors play a major role in creating male sexual dysfunctions. Relationship problems and poor communication with your partner is another psychological cause for sexual problems in men. Besides this, cultural obligations or religious taboos can also cause problems with orgasm and sexual performance anxiety. However, with proper counseling along with some exercises can help you to get over these problems to a great extent, but most importantly in order to recover from psychological problems it is very necessary to maintain a healthy mental health.

4.    Medications

Medications for treating various health disorders can also result in problems in sexual performance. For example, prolonged intakes of medicine for high blood pressure, antipsychotic drugs or diuretics affect the performance of male reproductive organs. Besides this, many anti-depressant drugs also carry side effects of reducing the ability of sexual performance in men.


5.   Substance Abuse

Substance abuse can lead to various mental and physical health disorders including sexual performance concerns and ejaculation problems. Consuming too much alcohol or prolonged alcohol abuse can cause some serious orgasm problems in men. Moreover, illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine etc can also severely affect your sexual health. So, for continuing a healthy sexual life for a longer period of time, it is very important for a man to keep away from any kind of substance abuse.

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