Is Your Relationship Working? Here’s a simple test!

If you are reading this right now, you have probably been thinking a lot about your current relationship – and something must be really wrong. You almost certainly don’t feel support and warmth radiating from your partner. Well, do not be sad! Romance Compass and we are here to help you understand whether your relationship is just experiencing temporal troubles or it was never meant to happen at all. Just read the statements below and decide if you can relate to them or not. If not, we have some bad news for you.


  1. You can rely on your partner in every possible area, whether it’s something simple as buying groceries or something bigger like caring a burden of your filthy secrets. Reliability is what makes relationships solid.
  2. Your sex life flourishes. You may admit that it is not that necessary, and you are partially right. Yes, we know some couples that don’t have sex on a regular basis and still manage to build a strong and long-lasting relationship. However, good sex is an unquestionable sign of healthy relationship, as any of your arguments and miscommunications immediately reflect on your sex life.
  3. Your communication is flawless. And we are not only talking about the way you text each other and build your conversations. Proper communication also encompasses such important phenomena as compromising, mutual understanding, the ability to avoid quarrels etc.
  4. You can share the apartment. Living together is an extraordinarily important step. Some couples come up with this decision too soon and end up realizing they have made a great mistake. But if you manage to learn the sophisticated mastery of living together and not killing each other at the same time, you are on the right way.


  1. You have no plan B. You know the person you tease and keep as close as possible just in case if your current relationship ruins. Unfortunately, it’s a widespread practice, especially among modern girls. When you feel that your partnership is doing just fine, you thoughtlessly get rid of all the extra options to focus on what you have right now.
  2. You see your future together. Just imagine right now: you and your current partner raising kids, buying a house and a golden retriever, retiring, going on an endless vacation… Did you manage to imagine? And while this idyllic image is just an option, you should understand whether or not you want to spend your life with this person.
  3. You trust each other. Trust may be a very subjective matter (or we should better say the level of trust). Nevertheless, we can hardly imagine a healthy relationship build without confidence in your partner. If you don’t trust each other, you will be permanently nervous and afraid of cheating (both emotional and physical) and betrayals of any kind. Therefore, you will be bonded by pain and suffering.

So, what was your result? We highly doubt that anyone can relate to all the aforementioned statements, but if you do – congratulations! You are going to be the happiest person on Earth.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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