The relationship between your brain and sex

The brain is responsible for our thoughts, emotions, feelings and behavior. It controls the way we eat, act and move. Neuroscientists are now claiming that our sexual behavior and impulses are also governed by the brain. Previously sex was considered animalistic urge or basic instinct but now scientists have found that lust and sex have a deep-rooted connection with the brain.


Scientists are now looking into the psychological reasons behind our different sexual reactions and behaviors. We are by birth programmed to select a mate with whom we can reproduce. When a man looks at a woman with wide hips and big breasts, he feels drawn towards her because his brain signals that the woman is capable of reproducing healthy kids.

The Y chromosome in male DNA is responsible for starting a chain reaction inside the man’s body. It increases the level of testosterone in men. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men and it develops their sex organs. Testosterone affects the hypothalamus part of male brain and increases their interest in sexuality. The male hypothalamus is double the size of female hypothalamus.

Men who have higher levels of testosterone in their blood are less likely to settle down anytime soon. Men who have less testosterone in their blood are more caring and less promiscuous. A scientific study done on 4,000 men confirms that the probability of extra-marital affairs among men with high testosterone levels is 38% more than among the men with low testosterone levels.


Often men are advised to marry only after they are well over 25. Before that age the Prefrontal cortex of men is not fully developed. This part of the brain helps men think more rationally and judge correctly. It controls their irrational impulses and makes them more organized which is necessary for taking the responsibilities of marriage. The septal area of your brain controls sexual arousal. The olfactory bulb of your nose is directly connected with this part of the brain. This is why pheromones of a woman attract a man so much and vice versa.


Many men lose their erection when having sex for the first time. This is due to nervousness and performance related anxiety. Fear of being judged makes the brain tensed and it creates a fight or flight condition inside the body. The instructions from brain divert blood from the penis to the hips and shoulders so that you can run from the situation.


The brain monitors our sexual behavior and level of pleasure in many different ways. It is responsible for your lust, erection, erectile dysfunction and sexual satisfaction.

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