It is important to understand your partner’s needs in bed

Both men and women enjoy sex and there is no doubt about it but they don’t view sex in the same way. For men sex is the way to get closer to a woman they love and feel connected. Women, however, need verbal appreciation, adoration and semi-sexual physical touches to feel connected. They are ready for sex when they feel emotionally connected with their spouse. Sex is not the way of communication for women.

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It is rather a physical expression of love, which comes after validation of emotions. The different ways in which men and women perceive emotions and sex often creates misunderstanding between them. The wife has no clue why a man is not satisfied with the emotional cooing and cuddling and the man doesn’t know why the wife is uncomfortable in having sex at all times. The only way to have a satisfying and fulfilling marital relationship is to communicate and understand each other’s needs.

Why is sex so important in relationships?

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When two people start dating exclusively, it signifies the beginning of a committed relationship. Among all other things commitment and loyalty mean not having sex with anyone else out of your relationship. Sex is what makes you a couple. Sex makes your relationship exclusive and unique. A person doesn’t become cheater by having a good conversation with a member of the opposite sex who is not his or her spouse. It is by having sex with someone who is not their spouse that they become a betrayer. So, sex makes your bonding what it is. Apart from the basic definition of relationships, sex is also vitally important for creating a strong and lasting emotional bond.

A couple in a serious relationship communicates their desires to each other and discusses their physical needs. They guide each other during intercourse and tell their partner how they desire to be touched. For such intimate conversations they have to bare their secret thoughts and drop their guard. Couples are strong together but they are also vulnerable because they share every detail of their life with one another. This takes a certain level of trust and respect born out of love. Sex strengthens this feeling of love and brings two people physically and mentally closer to each other.

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Sex is not just the act of penetration, rhythmic movements and climaxing. It has to be intimate, loving and passionate for making a marriage work. It is not how many times a couple has sex every week or fortnight or month, but how much they enjoy the time together in bed. The technique is not as important as the intention and desire for each other.

In the lives of busy couples, sex is a way of reminding how much you still want to be with the partner. The sex therapists always emphasize the necessity of setting the perfect mood, romance and foreplay because sex alone cannot satiate a woman’s need for deeper and more meaningful connection. A kiss on the forehead means more to a woman than an hour long sexual session.

Sex and communication

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To make a marriage or a serious relationship work partners have to communicate with each other effectively. The disharmony created by miscommunication can only be cleared away by communicating about it. Arrange a romantic date night and start by flirting with your partner, tell them how much you care for them and want the relationship to work. Show them that you are ready to listen and they will share both their likes and dislikes with you more freely.

Good conversation and good sex constitute a great relationship. Sex is the cement that every couple needs for binding their lives together. It is important for both the man and woman to communicate their desires verbally and physically to show love.

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