Mood swings depend a lot on teenage sexual habits

Most teenagers act recklessly and impulsively when it comes to sex. It is the time of our life when emotions are uncontrolled and we have not found our identity. It is also the time to decide our values. Parents give their children a set of values, which face challenges when kids reach their teens and start exploring their limitations. Sex is a part of the growing up years of most teens around the world. In some form of other, they get to know more than necessary about love, sex and life.


The easy availability of the internet has not helped things. With useful and correct information, the internet also imparts incorrect and falsified information about sex and life.

Teenagers are not capable of discerning between the right and wrong information, as they are inexperienced. Having sexual relationships during the teens can have serious consequences. It may lead to teenage pregnancy and contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. Apart from that, it may also have some long-term impact on the brain of the teenagers.


Scientists and researchers have found that having sex during the teen years can change your behavior, moods and mentality for a lifetime. Sex is powerful and influences a teen deeply.

A group of scientists from the Ohio State University College of Medicine has discovered that during the teens the human brain is still undergoing changes. It is not completely developed.

As a result, the powerful emotions and chemical changes inside the body induced by sex can have a long-term impact. Frequent and regular sex can be the cause of smaller reproductive cells and improper brain development. It can also lead to addiction and mood disorders.


The researchers of Ohio State University College of Medicine have tested three different groups of hamsters for this purpose. One group consisted of 40 days old hamsters, equivalent to 16-18 year old human teens. The second group consisted of 80 days sexually active hamsters. The third group consisted of hamsters that were sexually inactive.

Four-month long research has proved that the younger or teen hamsters who had sex became victims of mood swings and depression later on. The test done on hamsters may not be conclusive about side effects of teen sex but it surely tells us about the influence of sex on the development of our minds.


Sex during the teen years can lead to mood swings and depression in the later years. It disrupts the development of the brain. Researchers are trying to find out more on this topic.

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