Will sex education counter porn?

Adolescents who get addicted to porn

Internet is a very diverse medium. It is good, bad and ugly simultaneously. The web is really what you make of it. As it is a mingling place of many minds, the internet is full of pornographic and vulgar content that you do not want your kids to watch. It is almost impossible to keep adolescents and even kids from pornographic content that’s spread throughout the web. According to recent surveys and studies, sex education in schools is finding it troublesome to counter the porn issue. Children have an easily impressionable mind and the pornographic content they are viewing is affecting their minds.

sex education in schoolsSusan Berelowitz, who is the Deputy Children’s Commissioner, has expressed worry regarding the future of the children who come into close contact with pornographic content. Adolescents who get addicted to porn cannot have a normal sexual life later on. As we cannot control their viewing of porn completely, it is important that we teach them how to handle porn content on the internet. It is believed by many sociologists and child psychologists that the right sex education can keep children away from sexually explicit content that is also vulgar in nature.

The problem with internet porn is that it is not only sexually explicit but also very perverted. Perversion can creep into the young minds and change the way they perceive the opposite sex. The survey to understand the relation between web pornography and sex education in schools have been conducted by the University of Middlesex.  The idea of the survey originated in the Children’s Commission. They believe that sex education should be introduced at the primary classes to protect kids from the harmful and vulgar content spread across the net.

Not only pornographic content but children also fall prey to the lust of perverts and stalkers who come into their lives through the social media platforms. Sex education can counter the abuse that children face in the present society. There are many websites which lure kids towards porn through games. The ‘sex games’ are very violent in nature and explicitly disrespectful towards women.

What is the outcome?

sexually transmitted diseasesChildren do not like act like kids anymore. Now days from a very tender age they start acting like their elders. The pornographic content they are viewing is encouraging and inspiring them to have casual sexual relationships and reckless sexual encounters. This can lead to spread of sexual diseases and be the cause of life altering grief for many. Telling them the right thing through sex education has become vital in our age.

Why should schools incorporate sex education as a separate topic?

sex education in schoolsThere was a time when children were not aware of sex during the school days, however the modern day children are not just well aware of the word sex, but in fact a lot of them even get into action before they leave school. The biggest challenge that many parents face is talking about the sensitive topic with their children. This is the place where we can make difference and make our children understand the real meaning and importance of this word.

Sex education in schools

Porno SiteA lot of schools worldwide have Incorporated the practice of teaching children importance of sex at the right time. As much as it is necessary for children to understand the word sex, it is equally essential that they should know when to say no. Considering the growing numbers of kids who are sexually active by choice, there are also many kids that are forced into it. As much as it is essential to say no it is equally important to understand the word no.

When is the right time to teach children?

sex educationAlthough there is a lot of debate going on between authorities of the school and parents with a variety of opinion, the biggest question that arises is when is the right time to teach children and give them the right sex education. Another topic of discussion that is still in dilemma is getting children to understand the pros and cons of their actions.

Every country is taking equal interest and coming up with different ways to highlight sexual education in kids. The one thing that we are yet to understand is weather sex education should be a separate topic on its own or just a blend in the form of a workshop or school seminar. Some people emphasize that it would be a good idea to have this as a separate topic, so that it can cover different aspects of sex and help children in understanding the pros and cons of indulging into sex or having a sex life.

Is it only in the hands of the teacher or even the parent as well?

it is the parent’s job of guiding childrenAs much as it is uncomfortable for some parents to talk to their children about it, the fact of the matter is that, this is the reality that our children are surrounded by. Although the school is responsible to ensure that our children get the right direction in life, it is equally important that parents play their whole and do their part. While schools can provide a support system, it is the parent’s job of guiding children as well. This is why it is important that the school and the parents do their part equally to ensure that children get the right sex education, which can help them in making the right choices.

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