Top five brothels around the world

Top five brothels around the world

Over the years, brothels have been associated with dingy, ugly looking rooms, stained mattresses and of course, diseases. But now, brothels are getting revamped, with more and more facilities introduced for their clientele. So, gentleman, if you are wondering which brothels you should explore, then this is the list of brothels all over the world that you must not miss.

Big Sister

Heard of the television show called ‘Big Brother,’ where celebrities and participants are under constant video surveillance? Well, this is a sister concern of the same television show. Sound weird, isn’t it?

Prague’s Big Sister is brothel that makes sure that you and the workers are safe. Therefore, the established brothel has video surveillance all the times. The best part is that it is free- mainly because you perform the act and subscribers enjoy the act watching you!

The Site

This brothel in Australia is famous for all the kinds of fantasy girls you want. After all, regular life is just plain monotonous. Hence, this place in Sydney provides you Raunchy brunettes, African Glamour and blond, sassy Aussies. The prices are 150 dollars for half an hour and you get a 30 dollar discount for an hour!


Australia seems to rank higher and higher when it comes to brothels. Tiffany works on the Freudian idea that sex is a part and parcel of life. Therefore, it makes sure that the experience is sophisticated and arousing. Tiffany has themed rooms, beautiful environs and ladies who will leave you wanting for more.


Brazil is the land of exotic women with tight bodies, beautiful tan and sultry figure. Centaurus features on the list not because of any innovative brothel design or schemes, but purely because women here are mind boggling and spell binding. You will have to shed an initial amount of 210 dollars, but then you can enjoy 40 minutes with any girl you like.


In Germany, the government understands that health safety of sex workers is of prime importance. Therefore, they have a 12-storey brothel specially designed for sex workers. The place ranks as high as any Mc Donald’s outlet when it comes to number of customers. Pascha brothel is known for its clean prostitutes. It also offers facilities like rooms, meals and low cost fun. The brothel also features a hotel along with bar and pizza delivery services. Moreover, the brothel has money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied.

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